From: SEFAN [admin_at_sefan_dot_org_dot_uk]
Sent: 27 May 2008 11:38
Subject: SEFAN 2008-05-27_02 (2) ANNOUNCE
1. Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men - Free Taster Workshop. Sussex
2.  A TRIBUTE TO BERT.  EFDSS - November. London

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gavin Bayfield <gavinbayfield_at_yahoo_dot_com>
Date: 21 May 2008 11:41:50 BDT
Subject: Re: Chancs. Morris Workshop - Henfield

Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men will dance on Saturday 14th June 2008 as part of the Henfield Gardens and Arts Festival.

There will be a chance to try this dancing at a free workshop in the Catholic Church Hall - from
2.30pm for about 1 hour - anyone from about 10yrs old will be welcome to join in.
Please note your interest to bagman_at_crmm_dot_org_dot_uk if you have a group of over 4 people.

Our programme for the day is as follows:-
Dance at (All Henfield village, West Sussex):-
    12.00 - Cagefoot Lane ( by the pond )
    12.45 - Barclays Bank (High Street)
                    ...possible others (yet undisclosed)

    14.30 - 15.30 FREE Morris Dance 'Taster Session', Catholic Church Hall, Church Lane, Henfield.


Begin forwarded message:
From: "Malcolm Taylor" <malcolm_dot_taylor_at_efdss_dot_org>
Date: 23 May 2008 17:11:09 BDT

Tickets go on sale 1st June.
Best regards,
Malcolm Taylor
Library Director
Direct line: 020-7241 8959


A Tribute to Bert

In this centenary year of the birth of Bert Lloyd, the renowned English singer, folklorist, journalist and writer,

the English Folk Dance and Song Society is hosting a day of concerts and launching a new biography by

Dave Arthur - Bert: The Life and Work of A.L. Lloyd.

Concert guests include:

Alistair Anderson, Frankie Armstrong, Martin Carthy,

Bob Davenport with Roger Digby,Will Duke, Dan Quinn and Alex West, 

Louis Killen, Maddy Prior, Dave Swarbrick, Mike Waterson, Norma Waterson,

Martyn Wyndham-Read with Iris Bishop, Lisa Knapp and Sam Lee.

All proceeds to benefit the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library

Saturday 15 November 2008 Day ticket £20 (£15.00 concessions)

12 noon to 11pm (doors open 12 noon)

concerts 2pm and 8pm / book launch 5pm

bar and café available

Cecil Sharp House,

2 Regent’s Park Rd,

London NW1 7AY

Box office: 020 7121 1100

or visit < >

.pdf of flyer+booking form removed. (but I still have it - so it you want - just ask).

Penny Allen  -    General Manager
Anthony John Allen - Chair of the board

Charity registered in England and Wales No: 1111883
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 5114495 registered in Cardiff


89 Hollingbury Park Avenue, Brighton,  BN1 7JQ
Tel.  +44 (0)1273 541453
Fax. +44 (0)1273 554189