From: The Magpie's Nest [events_at_themagpiesnest_dot_co_dot_uk]
Sent: 28 July 2009 17:10
Subject: Magpie's Nest - Summer Party - Wednesday 29th July

 The Magpie's Nest


Dear Friends,

The Magpie's Nest would like to invite you to our Summer Party - it's our last event at the Old Queen's Head for the Spring/Summer season.
We have gathered a selection of great acts to play mini sets for the evening, on our "open stage". Acts include The Water Tower String Band - hot banjo pickin' old time music from Portland, Oregon in the grand ol' U S of A. Keeping it Stateside, we present Mariah Harris, from Nashville - over here on a wee tour, and so good we had to book her! Home grown talent comes from Alice Ballantine and her band, debuting at the Nest, and also Pete Roe makes a second, and most welcome, appearance. Extended open mic for all our regulars! 

So far this year we've been very busy and have certainly earned a month off - we've been running bimonthly nights at the Old Queen's Head, inaugurated the rammed packed Friday Folk nights at the Stoke Newington Airport, ran stages at the Tate Modern, Paradise Gardens, LoveBox, Lewisham People's Day, Arnold Circus Street Party, and Glastonbury Festival, as well as helping acts on our roster perform at Wychwood Festival, Fuze Festival, Ealing Love Day, Harrow Under One Sky, Secret Garden Party, Larmer Tree Gardens Festival, Croydon Festival, and countless other events up and down the country.

We'll be back up and running in late September with a host of new venues, nights, bands and exciting shows, until then, we hope you have an amazing summer holiday! (and hopefully see y'all tomorrow night!)


Joe, Sam and Lauren


 Two For Joy

Magpie's Nest Summer Party

Wednesday 29th July
The Old Queen's Head
Doors 7:30, Music from 8ish, £5

Join us for a summer party! with:

The Water Tower String Band
Alice Ballantine + Band
Mariah Harris
Pete Roe

and hopefully lots of open mic performers on our "Open Stage"




Arnold Circus Street Party
Sunday 26th July

Arnold Circus, off Shoreditch High Street
2pm - 9pm - FREE

Come join in one of the coolest street parties ever envisioned, featuring aside from the wonderful music put together by Folklahoma, the famous 100 laps of the circus by 300+ bicycles, food, drink, street games and the finest people relaxing, dancing and reclaiming the streets. Bring your own deck chairs and some over sized shades!



Folk Against Facism

Folk against Fascism is taking stand against the BNP’s cynical and unsettling targeting of folk music and events in the UK. Their message of hatred and cultural purity is completely out of step with the inclusive and multicultural unity within the folk world. They have no right to associate themselves with us and a unified voice is needed to make this clear. Sign up now on the FAF website to see how you can help and partake in the celebratory events being run to show that the folk community as with most other communities actively does NOT support this party or their ideals! 


 Future Shows from the Magpie's Nest Family, at a glance...

18th - 19th July - LoveBox Festival
26th July - Arnold Circus Street Party
29th July -  Old Time Music at the Old Queen's Head
16th September - Bill Evan's and Megan Lynch
22nd October - Ballad of Britain - The Concert, Cecil Sharp House

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