From: Folk in the Barn [debs_at_folkinthebarn_dot_co_dot_uk]
Sent: 16 December 2009 23:25
Subject: Christmas presents - Part I

Isn't it colddddd! and isn't it nearly Christmas! where did that sneak up from! I'm sure time is speeding up. That's good in some ways because it means it means less time to wait for the next gig.
talking of which...

I have some brilliant news.....-

I can't afford to buy you all presents sadly. I'd like to - to thank you for all your support this year. If you've bought tickets and come along to the concerts you've helped to create some pretty amazing occasions, ending with a wonderful warm and fuzzy end to the year last Tuesday with the St Agnes Fountain gang. Wasn't it wonderful! So to thank you - this is my Christmas present to you all - the anticipation of some more wonderful occasions to look forward to in the new year, to get us all through dreary January and foggy Feb.
Right are you ready for this....

I'm happy and excited to say...

Bookings are now open for the following gigs...

Sunday February 14th - at the Whitstable Playhouse - Mawkin:Causley supported by Billy Irvine tickets all £12 from 01227 272042 Mon - Sat 10am-12noon
Tuesday February 16th - at St Mary's Church, Sandwich - Beth Nielsen Chapman supported by Marcus Hummon tickets £24 full price, £22 concessions from me by email, and online at from tomorrow.

Yes you did read that right - the one and only Beth Nielsen Chapman is coming back to the UK and to us! Now I know those two dates are so close together - I'm really sorry - it was the only date I was offered for Beth and I'm sure you'll agree it was too good an opportunity to miss. There are no other concerts in the South East except one in London so I couldn't refuse. I'm certain though that both gigs will be well supported as they are completely different and will appeal to different audiences. Nothing to stop you coming to both though if you want to (start saving now!).
Thats it for tonight - run out of time. Back tomorrow with Part II

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