From: mail-out_at_sefan_dot_org_dot_uk

Sent: 02 December 2011 15:58

Subject: SEFAN 2011-11-30_01 EVENTS (2 posts) SURREY



South East Folk Arts                 Network

Help make the Network EVEN better!

Please forward listings to those you think would be interested.
and don't forget to check SEFAN's What's On calendar regularly - new events added daily.

PLEASE NOTE: These eBulletins are now sent from a NO-REPLY address  - to contact SEFAN, please email us at admin_at_sefan_dot_org_dot_uk

1. Music Institute Folk Club: Last chance to see .... Coope, Boyes, Simpson, Fraser, Freya & Boyes. Dec 7th SURREY
2. Surrey Storytellers Guild: Story Events for Dec 2011. SURREY

From: HEATH Lawrence <borodance_at_ntlworld_dot_com>
Date: 2 December 2011 15:13:46 GMT
To: SEFAN <admin_at_sefan_dot_org_dot_uk>
Subject: Last chance to see .... Coope, boyes, Simpson, Fraser, Freya & Boyes

Music Institute Folk Club

Wednesday 7th December, 8.00pm
"Sing All Earth" - Coope, Boyes, Simpson, Fraser, Freya & Boyes
Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford GU1 3RR

This will be the last time that this stellar line-up will be touring now that Jim & Georgina Boyes have moved to Belgium - so don't miss this final opportunity to hear Classic FM Natalie Wheen's "favourite, favourite carol singers".

In 2010 Barry Coope, Jim Boyes, Lester Simpson, Fi Fraser, Jo Freya and Georgina Boyes performed at Guildford Cathedral with Michael Morpurgo. This December they make their third visit to Holy Trinity Church to present a selection from their three best selling albums of traditional folk carols - plus several currently unrecorded songs.
For centuries vigorous and joyful carols have been sung in the kitchens, parlours, pubs and streets of English towns and villages to herald the arrival of midwinter and to celebrate Christ’s birth. Catching the spirit of this older Christmas, Sing All Earth brings together the superb unaccompanied singing of Coope, Boyes, Simpson, Fraser, Freya and Boyes in a collection of regional and historical carols that captures the essence of midwinter. Here are songs from Albion's past to be enjoyed at any season but since it's that time of the year ...

"There are carol singers and then there are Coope, Boyes and Simpson.
Add Georgina Boyes and the two Fraser sisters and you have a combination that manages to put the magic back into Christmas."

Surrey Advertiser

Tickets (£13, £11 concessions) from 01483 444333 and 01483 871443. Full details and online sales at


From: Janet Dowling <surreystorytellersguild_at_gmail_dot_com>
Date: 30 November 2011 18:58:03 GMT
Subject: Surrey & Borders Story Events for Dec 2011

Surrey Storytellers Guild

Please remember- Three Heads in a Well Adult Storytelling Club in Ewell, Surrey does not meet in December

Friday 9th December RED HERRING Story SLAM – win £20! Farnham
Come and hear stories. Come and tell stories. Stories you made up, or about something that happened to you. Whatever they are - they are for telling for a max of 5 mins. No reading aloud allowed - no notes, no papers. Just you and your story. And the judges who will confer after each story and give a score. The teller with the highest score becomes our StorySLAM winner for the evening and takes home a crisp £20 note in their pocket!  
Evening starts at 7.30pm when you can sign up to tell a story, volunteer to be on a judging team or just sit back and listen. Telling starts at 8 pm SHARP

Venue:  Cellar Bar, Farnham Maltings, Bridge Square, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7QR
Time:     7.30-10pm
Price:     £5
Run by: Surrey Storytellers Guild
Box Office: 01252 745444


Waxing Lyrical Storytelling Practice and Coaching Groups in Farnham and  Ewell  
These drop in sessions enable those new to storytelling to try exercises in storytelling, and to get some coaching on how they tell stories.  It is a more informal setting than the storytelling circle. They also provide more experienced storytellers with the opportunity to get feedback on stories they are working upon. You do not need to have a story to tell as you will benefit from taking part in the different activities of the evening. See the website for details of the Storyteller Progress Pathway.

Tuesday 13th Dec.
Waxing Lyrical – Ewell - Adult Storytelling Practice and Coaching Group

Venue: The Sanctuary. St. Michael's Church, Church Street, Ewell, Surrey. KT17 2AS.      
Time:     7.30- 10pm
Price:     £6/ £4 concessions
Run by: Surrey Storytellers Guild

Age restrictions: Not suitable for under 14's
Facilitated by Janet Dowling and Richard Trouncer

Wednesday  14th Dec.
Waxing Lyrical – Farnham Maltings - Adult Storytelling Practice and Coaching Group

Venue : South West Kiln Room, Farnham Maltings, Bridge Square, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7QR
Time:     7.30-10pm
Price:     £6/ £4 concessions
Run by: Surrey Storytellers Guild

Age restrictions: Not suitable for under 14's
Facilitated by Terrie Howey and Belinda McKenna


For fuller details check the website  or sign up to our FaceBook page for "Surrey Storytellers Guild”

Janet Dowling
Chair : Surrey Storytellers Guild
07834 194215

Cross Currents logo                 and link

CROSS CURRENTS - creating two new pieces of music with composer Robert Jarvis and 6 young musicians from 3 different cultural & ethnic backgrounds around Crawley.
Now be part of this exciting project ... Join the band to CREATE and PERFORM the final piece at The Hawth Theatre on March 2nd 2012.
FREE Workshop rehearsals weekly starting Sunday January 22nd 2012.
Contact Adam Bushell at: crosscurrents_at_f2s_dot_com
Supported by

Arts                       Council EnglandCrawley Borough Council


Penny Allen  -  General Manager

Charity registered in England and Wales No: 1111883
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 5114495 registered in Cardiff


89 Hollingbury Park Avenue
Brighton. BN1 7JQ
Tel.  +44 (0)1273 541453

SEFAN is affiliated to EFDSS, Making Music and AFO