From: Royal Oak Folk Lewes [notification+mw25gxkn_at_facebookmail_dot_com]

Sent: 15 December 2011 11:22

Subject: [Folk at the Royal Oak Lewes] 01/12/2011


01/12/2011 The 1st Thursday of December -...

Royal Oak Folk Lewes

15 December 11:21

The 1st Thursday of December - Lewes Late Night Shopping - is always an unpredictable night for us; streets closed, parking very difficult. We never book a guest on that night because of this.
Then we had a number of singers - including the two community choirs that would have filled the room - call off because of illness. Add to this the fact that it was pouring and we thought we were in for a quiet but enjoyable Singers' Night.
Suddenly the door opened and in came around 40 drenched people - two morris sides and their musicians and followers who had been out trying to dance in the soaked streets. All the chairs were thrown back against the wall as the evening was transformed by the morris sides dancing themselves dry. One side, inevitably, was the BRIGHTON MORRIS MEN.

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