From: Music for Change [sara_at_musicforchange_dot_ccsend_dot_com] on behalf of Music for Change [rosie_at_musicforchange_dot_org]

Sent: 27 March 2012 15:46

Subject: Newsletter from Music for Change


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Spring Newsletter 2012



Photo: Briony Davidson



Welcome to our Spring newsletter! Here at Music for Change our Early Years music project is in full swing; so far we have reached over 500 children ages 0-5 in 16 pre-schools and 8 Children's Centres across Kent.  


We would like to thank our volunteers, Audrey Maire and Paul Beckley for their time and support over the past few months and we wish Paul all the best in his new job! We would also like to welcome two new volunteers to the team; Morgan Gilday and Charlotte Grainger. Many thanks to all our volunteers for their time and support.


We are currently recruiting a consultant to work with us on organisational development. Please see below for more details and do get in touch if you would like more information.


With best wishes,

The Music for Change Team.


Usifu workshopOlympic Workshops  


Music for Change is delivering workshops and projects based around the Olympic Games and Values. Workshops can be tailored to encompass a range of topics across the curriculum and will include an emphasis on Olympic and Paralympic Values: respect, excellence, friendship, courage, determination, inspiration and equality. 


Participants will explore issues of culture and identity raised by the Olympics and will create their own vision of the Olympics using music, song, dance and visual arts. Artists are highly experienced in allowing each participant to contribute their ideas and in encouraging collaboration and creativity in an exciting workshop environment.


Olympic RingsWe will work with you to adapt projects and workshops to your specific needs, so please call us on 01227 459243 to discuss your requirements. 





GfA logoRecruiting a Consultant

With funding from Grants for the Arts and Canterbury Arts Council, Music for Change is about to embark on organisational development. 


We are recruiting an experienced consultant to work closely with the Board and staff in the development of a Business Plan, marketing and fundraising strategies. The consultant will facilitate an Away Day for staff and Trustees.

CAC logo 

A fee of up to ?3500 is available to the consultant. We expect that this will cover a total of 10 day's work over a period of 6 months from May to October 2012.


For more information please see our website: 


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