From: Steafan Hannigan and Saskia Tomkins [saskiatomkins=hotmail.com_at_mail79_dot_atl51_dot_rsgsv_dot_net] on behalf of Steafan Hannigan and Saskia Tomkins [saskiatomkins_at_hotmail_dot_com]

Sent: 06 March 2014 04:04

Subject: March Music news


Clan Hannigan newsletter #5:
                                                           ...Gigs, news, kids...

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Come on Spring, we need you!!!!


F?ilte to Clan Hannigan's March newsletter

Last months concert with the Peterborough singers was a really exciting experience, as they are a very good choir. I've added some recordings to YouTube:
This winter has been tough for all of us. Our wee story, we've had full blown flu, meaning gig cancellations, our well water pump died and so did our car. Our furnace stopped working and nearly caught fire and Oisin tore a muscle in his leg, falling downstairs (not even from skiing). As I said, a tough winter. 
BUT the days will soon get longer, the snow will soon melt and we will all be complaining about the heat.

This week is busy: We are hosting a "house" concert at Impresario in Cobourg - on Thursday, and Saskia is performing the music for Chekhov on Friday and Saturday (see poster). Saskia and Justin Hiscox are being interviewed  live on Chex TV, tomorrow (Thursday 6th _at_ 5,30-6pm)!
Then comes St. Patty's Day, when all Irish musicians play stupidly all day for stupidly drunk people, and the Hannigan Franchise spreads itself.  The girls are dancing at The Snug's Paddy's day Party in Newcastle, ON. Steafan and Saskia are playing at Stewart Maguires Landing in Bolton, ON. We do have room still for a morning gig and daytime weekend gigs, if anyone hears of anything...
We have changed our Sunday session to encompass everyone, which seems to be successful: Slow session 4-5pm, up-to-speed session 5-7pm.
We are hosting 2 house concerts this month, the one on the poster below, and on the 18th, Blackie O'Connor, an amazing master-piper. That's at our house, so we'll need conformation if you want to come.
The girls are both doing their St. Johns Ambulance certificate in babysitting next week, which includes their first aid certificate, so bring your children on! Eile has a child-wrangling job for 2 months in the summer for 4th Line Theatre, so she can buy her own clothes.
Last week, Oisin was awarded a certificate at school for Positive Attitude! So we've done something right!




Concert Window....
Usually when musicians hit hard financial times, they go busking, but it's hard to do that in Canada with 3 foot of snow, so I've invented a new idiom, virtual-busking. I will be doing this of Friday mornings during March at 10.30am. The first one will be mostly Nyckelharpa, as that always earns me more money busking. The deal is, you log in, pay $1 minimum, watch me, I do believe we can interact by message, though I'm a newbie, and if you want to tip more, you can. I am hoping viewers will ask me to play tunes they want to hear too, and if I can I will, if not, I'll learn it for the following week. You can even get the website to send you a reminder!
This is the website...



March Gigs

6th / 7th / 8th - Saskia does Chekhov and Poe _at_ Market Hall Pbro
6th- hosting a house concert - O'Shraves, Cobourg
7th - Session _at_ Village Inn, Bowmanville
8th - Steafan does sound for Countermeasure _at_ Koerner Hall, TO.
9th Session _at_ McNeils, Port Hope
14th - Session _at_ Village Inn, Bowmanville
15th - Snug, Newcastle
16th - session _at_ McNeils, Port Hope
16th - Steafan teaches workshops in Kingston.
17th - PADDY'S DAY at Stewart Maguires Landing, Bolton
18th - Steafan plays with Brogue, Sterling
18th - Hosting house concert - Blackie O'Connor, Baltimore
21st - session with Meghan  _at_ Village Inn, Bowmanville
21st - Private Party
22nd - NOC concert, with The Sultans of String, Cobourg
23rd - session _at_ McNeils, Port Hope
23rd - Sound for Countermeasure, Toronto
28th - session _at_ Village Inn, Bowmanville
29th - Snug, Newcastle
30th - session _at_ McNeils, Port Hope

6th April - workshops and House Concert with Clan Hannigan in Sharbot Lake.




Keep supporting your local live music and thank-you for being interested in us.






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Copyright ? 2014 Steafan Hannigan and Saskia Tomkins, All rights reserved.
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