From: sefan [admin_at_sefan_dot_org_dot_uk]

Sent: 09 April 2014 14:22

Subject: SEFAN News 09.04.14



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1.    free KentFolk App from Beau Webber

2.    possible Facbook group for Hastings

3.    3. Gleaning from Arts Professional


1. Free KentFolk app

From: J.B.W.Webber <J.B.W.Webber_at_kent_dot_ac_dot_uk>
Date: 6 April 2014 10:38:35 GMT+01:00
Subject: Never miss another great gig - free KentFolk App

Never miss another great gig - free KentFolk App
Download this free App to get music and live gig events and calendars on your smart phone and tablet.
Folk, Irish, Blues, Jazz, Cajun, Old-Time, Bluegrass, Trad English, Scottish, Classical.

KentFolk now offers a simple App for most mobile devices, including the iPhone and iPad, Android, and a range of other devices..

This App includes Gig Event and Calendar pages, Music News pages, pages with information on Sessions, Open Stages etc, as well as photos and videos of past events. KentFolk has been recording Kentish gigs since 2000. 122 gigs were upload to the KentFolk Google/Facebook calendar in February, and 168 in March. Venues included from major county ones to the smallest micro-pubs - quality of music is the main concern. Its easy to upload your own gig to the calendar.

I believe this App should work for most mobile devices, but this is still being confirmed, so if you have an Android or some other smart phone / tablet, I would appreciate it if you could see if it works for you.

The simplest way to get the KentFolk App is just to point your mobile's browser at and say yes to installing the App. Else use the QR reader.

Have fun - Dr. Beau Webber

PS. I have now put a simple Donate button on the top of KentFolk. If you find the KentFolk Website, App and Calendar useful, please click on it, even £1, to help repay my time and outgoings building and updating the KentFolk Website, Calendar, News and App.


 2. Gleaned from Facebook

Post by Paul Dengate 09-04-14

Is there any interest in a page or group to keep tabs on trad folk events in the Hastings area? Music, song, dance, sessions or concerts? Thinking traditional or traditional influenced (knowing how recent some session tunes can be). Could also perhaps reminisce on past events, folk clubs, people, etc. I'll set it up if there are sufficient people with a similar interest. I shall take a "like" as an interest registered.

if you're not already friends with Paul but like this idea - send him a Friend request!


3. Gleaning from Arts Professional

new position statement setting out how Arts Council England (ACE) intends to meet the specific needs and aspirations of rural communities explains the principles that it will take into account in its advocacy, development work and funding for rural areas. Rejecting the need for a specific rural strategy or investment programme, ACE says it wants to see "rural communities benefiting appropriately from the totality of our support".

Partnerships are seen as crucial to this and ACE will continue to work with Defra to take account of "rural proofing", and more specifically to see how the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and other funding programmes can support the cultural sector in rural areas. Local authorities are recognised as a key strategic and delivery partner, but whilst ACE will "engage strategically with local authorities in rural areas in order to sustain and extend cultural opportunity", it makes no commitment to "make good" local government funding cuts for arts and culture. Efforts are ongoing to lever investment from Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), and to broker partnerships between the arts and cultural sector and LEPs. This is seen as a major opportunity which "rural arts organisations and their partners should actively exploit? if we are to see the creative economy in rural areas make its contribution to national recovery". Other partnerships involve joint audience development activity, such as those with the National Trust, the Canal & River Trust and Forestry Commission England. The value of strategic organisations such as the National Rural Touring Forum is acknowledged, as is Voluntary Arts for its role in community-based cultural activity and its importance to rural cultural infrastructure.

Comments on the position statement are being invited and these, together with the outcomes of the independent review of rural proofing currently being undertaken by Lord Cameron of Dillington, will contribute to a revised version that will underpin ACE's approach to working with rural communities until 2017/18.



Published: 21-03-2014 | contact | Facebook |

If you're not interested any more ?