From: Bottleneck Blues Club [bookings_at_bottleneckblues_dot_com]
Sent: 15 May 2015 21:18
Subject: Bottleneck Blues Club

Dear All

For regulars of the club, here is a message from Sandra Fergusson:
Hello Richard and my Bottleneck friends,

As you all know by now my lovely husband and your friend Terry passed away on the 3rd of May. If any of you would like to come to his funeral you are more than welcome it is on the 28th May at 4pm at the garden of England Crematorium, Sheppey Way Sittingbourne ME9 8GZ then afterwards at 1Idenwood Close, Parkwood, Rainham ME8 9NS. Or you can send flowers or donate to McMillan Cancer Care or Wisdom Hospice. Thank you all for the support you have given me & Terry over the years we have helped run the club, we counted you all as good friends and a great bunch of people.

Love Sandra xx.