From: Carol Sturgeon [sturgeon.carol_at_googlemail_dot_com]

Sent: 29 June 2015 11:45


Attachments: Festival Pictures (Small)(1).zip


Good Morning everyone

the message is in the subject and there's not enough words or phrases to express both Bill and my personal thanks to you all for your time, talent, collaborations, support and above all the music!

Please know that the profit raised from the fete and music festival on Saturday (as yet unknown as the volunteers are still counting it) will be dedicated to the 2 x priority projects we've set this year to improve the Blean village hall.

1.  Installation of acoustic tiles and/or hearing loop to enable people with hearing loss to hear better as the hall is too vacuous and noisy for them to enjoy sounds at the moment if many people are gathered together. 

This is a requirement too of the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act for public spaces so it's imperative to fulfil. Canterbury Marlowe Theatre manager has offered to advise us, we're going to meet up and test out their system and listen to their experience ASAP.

2. Purchase of made to measure, NEW & MATCHING curtains throughout the hall as insulation against heat loss, protect privacy and further assist with the acoustics - we know new purpose made lined curtains will cost ?5.000 and Blean hall has never had them before!

So the money raised by your voices and music and audience participation at the music festival on Saturday evening will benefit everyone who uses the hall and hopefully will be there to greet you _at_ Blean's 2016 and 7th music festival in the park. 

IF ANYONE there HAPPENED TO FIND A SMALL "BOAT" ON THE GROUND ITS PART OF A BROOCH BELONGING TO HELEN NORTH who performed and supported us - please contact her direct by email: <helen_at_morningstar_dot_org_dot_uk> as it's very precious to her.

Thank you all and especially Sue and Adrian, for sending us the lovely cards as an addition to the raffle prize table. 

Carol & Bill

PS Attached zip of photos so kindly taken at the music festival by Steve Wakeford for you to enjoy - they're already on Facebook and website.