From: sales_at_allkob_dot_co_dot_uk

Sent: 03 January 2016 15:22

Subject: Bill & Ted's Open Mic Night.

Attachments: a5 bowls club open mic single page.pdf





Well folks Christmas has been and gone, New Year celebration are but a memory and decorations have or will soon be taken down for another year. But wait…. Haven’t finished with all the fun stuff yet..


Today is the 3rd of January 2016 that means there is only 3 days……. I’ll repeat that, ONLY 3 DAYS to go to the first Wednesday of not only the month but also of the year. What could this mean?


Ok I’ll tell you. Bill & Ted’s Most Excellent Open Mic Night at the New Romney Bowls Club. ( See attachment for details ).


So why not Start the month and the Year at Bill & Ted’s Most Excellent Open Mic Night were you can catch up with old friends or make new ones, have a drink, a bite to eat and sing a song or two.


It would be great to see you all there