From: fRoots [ads_at_frootsmag_dot_com]

Sent: 04 April 2017 17:01

Subject: fRoots JUNE issue : Copy date alert!


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Issue 408 of the only indispensable folk, roots and world music magazine.

?  COPY ALERT - next Tuesday, 11th April.






BOOK SPACE NOW! Email Gina Jennings: ads_at_frootsmag_dot_com

? PUBLISHED 18th May. Reaches subscribers from around 11th May.


? On the cover, Portugal's deeply enigmatic Lula Pena.
? PLUS our usual unusual mix of roots music from here, there and everywhere - it is after all the 30th anniversary of the "creation" of world music . . .


? Advertise your latest CDs and tours, give your festival the maximum advantage as the season gets under way.


? All rates, copy dates and tech specs are on our web site at:




For more fRoots info, read on . . .




Quality print magazines are enjoying a rennaissance, the preferred tangible way to read, enjoy, assimilate and store in-depth writing, photography and information.

? Whilst on-line advertisers are increasingly up against Ad blockers and fears of fraud, nobody can invent an Ad blocker for print advertising!

? With less and less mainstream media coverage for this music, fRoots remains the essential grass roots independent folk, roots and world music guide - more than ever the main focal point, filter and buzz creator in our community. You'll invariably read about it first in fRoots.
? fRoots is hugely more comprehensive than any other magazine in its field, sometimes carrying more in-depth feature content, news and original commissioned photography than its nearest competitor!

? Our maximum readership cross-over with any other music publication is only 29%. With fRoots you reach the long-term committed folk, roots and world music audience and opinion-formers that no other magazine gets to.

? Winners of the WOMEX Award for Professional Excellence.


? They consume! Like all hard core music fans, fRoots readers are still buying dozens of CDs a year.

? They respond! 95% of fRoots readers buy CDs and 72% go to live events as a result of reading about them in fRoots.

? They're everywhere! Most do their main buying online, and 40% are outside the UK. If you're an overseas label, you don't need a UK distributor.


? All fRoots print magazine subscribers also have free access to the digital editions.

? We have desktop, laptop, iOS and Android tablet and mobile phone versions.

NO EXTRA COST. All print adverts are carried in identical form in our digital editions with free web links.

? Access a sample desktop digital edition free of charge.






? We list information on June events in the news section of this issue.

? News deadline: Monday 17th April.

? Send your full press release to reviews_at_frootsmag_dot_com

? Send hi-res colour JPEGs of artists to copy_at_frootsmag_dot_com


Gina Jennings, Advertising Manager
fRoots Magazine

Local Music From Out There . . .

All rates, copy dates and tech specs are on our web site at:

Readership statistics are at:

email:         ads_at_frootsmag_dot_com
realmail:     fRoots Magazine, PO Box 3072, Bristol, BS8 9GF, UK
tel:              (Int +44) (0)117 317 9020

The first and foremost folk, roots and world music monthly
magazine is now in its 38th year of unbroken publication.

WOMEX Award for Professional Excellence

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